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Monthly Archives: September 2010
Love Unmasks Fear
I found a mask at a very young age that I thought fit well, hiding who I truly am, hiding pain too deep to reveal. The mask would shroud what I felt, that bad things happening around me were my fault, and that I was bad, I was simply worthless. … Continue reading
God Rejoices Over You With Singing
A friend whom I have not seen in many years gave me a special book when she heard about my struggles. The title was enough to touch me. In the back of the book was a CD of the song … Continue reading
Dissociating the Stories
“The little girl watches from a distance, safely above and beyond reach; the naked woman lays frozen in a death like state while the predator violates her body.” So begins the revealing of an experience of my rape. Being faced with a knife, the threat of rape, … Continue reading
Posted in Comfort, Emotion, Fear, Flashbacks/Memories, Life, Scripture
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Stained Glass Masquerade
The tears flowed freely, the available shoulders numerous. At least for the first couple of weeks after the attacks. Slowly others’ tears seemed to outnumber my own. The burden of knowing their pain was feeding from mine became arduous. I understood that they were grieving … Continue reading
Secret’s Power to Destroy
I have written here about shame a lot as I have found myself face first in it again. When immersed in this toxic shame, we are constantly tempted to do anything to get rid of that feeling, if even for a little while. One of the … Continue reading