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Category Archives: Fear
Avoiding Avoidance
I apologize for the avoidance of my writing. My mother had brain surgery and I have been tied up with the emotions and visits there. Today is Motivational Monday again so I would like to share something that was shared … Continue reading
Posted in Fear, Happy, Life, Motivational Monday, Recovery
Tagged AHMA, avoidance, fears, isolation, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, triggers
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Exhausted Voice
I needed a reminder as my melancholy mood has kept my voice here quiet. It seems that when I need to write the most I am the least motivated to do it. The following is an excerpt from the movie “Precious” … Continue reading
Life’s Ocean
Ocean waves are SO powerful, scary, and dangerous, actually literally life-threatening. They are strong enough to toss a person around like a rag doll. Fight them and they will pound you; flip you; slam you down. The harder you fight, the stronger they … Continue reading
How to Comfort a Rape Victim
I have an amazing brother. I have three really and two are so much older than me, our lives do not touch very often. In my shame and fear after the rape, I did not and still have not told … Continue reading