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Category Archives: Recovery
Bellatrix – Female Warrior
I recently traveled to meet a sister survivor who has become a friend. There was an art studio tour while I was there, and art being her passion, we headed out for a day of culture and beauty. She lives … Continue reading
Avoiding Avoidance
I apologize for the avoidance of my writing. My mother had brain surgery and I have been tied up with the emotions and visits there. Today is Motivational Monday again so I would like to share something that was shared … Continue reading
The Strength of the Butterfly
Butterflies are an amazing symbol of the good on this journey of healing. Beauty is perhaps the most obvious and often referred to. They are also frequently associated with old things becoming new again. Butterflies seem so delicate and fragile so they are rarely … Continue reading
Posted in Comfort, Motivational Monday, Quotes, Recovery
Tagged butterfly, butterfly strength, monarch migration, struggle to fly
Beauty Will Rise
Steven Curtis Chapman wrote this incredible song out of the excruciating pain of losing his beloved daughter, Maria, to a freak accident. It is composed with the verse from Isaiah that I use for this website. I am sure he would … Continue reading
Posted in Comfort, Emotion, Recovery, Resources, Scripture, Worship Wednesday
Tagged Beauty will rise, devastation, hope, Steven Curtis Chapman, Tragedy
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Exhausted Voice
I needed a reminder as my melancholy mood has kept my voice here quiet. It seems that when I need to write the most I am the least motivated to do it. The following is an excerpt from the movie “Precious” … Continue reading