I have decided to change the format of my blog so it is more organized and my readers will know what to expect on certain days. I also hope that with this format you will receive information that is more valuable to you for your personal journey. The plan is as follows:
Motivational Mondays: encouraging quotes and messages aimed at getting your week started with inspiration and/or a smile
Worship Wednesdays: Bible verses; worship music; devotionals; etc. to keep us focused on God in the middle of the week
Find Out Fridays: book and movie reviews; news articles related to sexual abuse or assault; interviews with survivors or professionals in the field; Reader’s Questions answered; etc.
For my first Motivational Monday I have chosen a quote from a very popular and incredibly helpful book, one of my favorites, Trauma and Recovery by Judith Herman, M.D.
Remembering and telling the truth about terrible events are prerequisites…for the healing of individual victims. When the truth is finally recognized, survivors can begin their recovery. But far too often secrecy prevails, and the story of the traumatic event surfaces not as a verbal narrative but as a symptom. ~Judith Hermann M.D. (intro pg. 1)
Today I challenge you to make a commitment to self-care and share a little piece of your story here. You can write anonymously if you choose, affirming your abuser can no longer silence your voice. I believe this is a great way to start fresh and encourage healing to either begin or to move further along. Either way growth happens. Thank you for your courage and may your Monday be blessed in extraordinary ways!